September 15, 2008

i love my nebrazka

sat 13rd, 2008 @yuda's

buka puasa bareng nebrazka tercintaaa. wew, seruu bgt! kangen semua semua nya. yaa walaupun ga bnyk yg beda sama mereka, tetep aja ga mau pulang. pngen trus ngmpul2 bcanda bareng mereka semua. 

gw dateng bareng icha, agak telat sih. tapi tetep berkesan. pas pertama dateng, udh ramee bgt.  yang cewe2 udh pd ngomongin the newest gossip in the town, *halah. yang cowo2 masih tetep aja makan makanan yang tinggal dikit. haha. tapi abis ngobrol2, kita makan menu utamanya. ahahha, yang cowo sih tetep aja nyambet. haahha

pokoknya seruu bgt, tapi waktu juga yang misahin kita semua. huhu, heeee

i'll miss you guys .. 

my best best

yukaaa, i love you sooo.

"jangan marah dong gara2 gada lo di blog gw. hehe, udh ada nih. post nya khusus lagi. x),. kocak bgt deh lo, udh ngebooking gw tgl 22 sept. hhhaha,."

yuka is my best best dh, she always beside me when i need her. always. moreover when i dont need her, hehehe kiddin mamen.

i know her and become close since kindergarten, 11 years ago. so, can you imagin how our friendship is it? sooo tragic, *hahaha. i mean sooo meaningful. hehe.

lagi rajin, mau shalat. *gw paksa dulu nih. wkwkwk @dinda's

on the way to plangi

00.00 am yuka udh molor (ileran lagi, jhahaha), gw gbs tiduuur @yuka's

although we are seperated by school now, we still love each other! *hmmm?? 

PS: this post is to make you happy yuk!, xp hhehe anyway, i love this post.